After her scientific baccalaureate, Liv continued her scientific career with a DUT in Biological Engineering in Boulogne sur Mer, a third year in Management of Natural Spaces and a Master "Expert in ecological and social transition" which she followed in Lyon. It is within the framework of her Master's degree that she is carrying out this research thesis. Then she gathers the two passions which animate her on 90 pages :
Environment and Music.
We live in a sanitized, violent and monotonous society. According to Liv, to give more place to Art in our society is to awaken the sensibility of everyone. And it is this sensibility that gives rise to respect for what is beautiful, as well as for Nature. She calls this "the Sensitive". And this is why she sings today. To awaken our sensitivity that will protect the environment in which we evolve.
Through this thesis, many artists could have been cited because they participate in the ecological transition by giving it meaning and a voice. A summary of her thesis starts just below.
Or download it here if you are interested in the full version.
The goal of this research is to understand why Art is still so little represented through this civilizational transition that is ours.
The transition from an insensitive system that has reached saturation after having drawn on all the physical and mental resources of living beings, to another system, in contact with the Sensitive and allowing new values to emerge, cannot take place without Art, its artists and its works.
It is a question of getting out of the planetary agony in large part thanks to the Art who actively participates in changing mentalities, creating new values and make new ways of living desirable.
The system of artistic production, of intermittent entertainment, of well-crafted contracts prevents artists from getting involved in the civilizational transition. It is imperative to rethink it in order to allow Art to evolve.

We can think that artists have a responsibility to bring art to life and to nourish reflections on the transition.
But currently the system does not allow all artists to freely get involved in their ideological struggles. Art is restricted to advocating outdated, childish and mediocre social codes in a colossal industrial mechanism.
A machine that squeezes artists to the last drop of creativity. It's time to provoke evolution.
Society is plural and needs to be accompanied in this new transition. It also involves changing this culture industry that values what sells well and throws away fast, rather than what is necessary, which is vital to a civilization in reflection; the questioning of the banal and a return to the Sensitive.
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